

Permission is granted to any individual to copy all or part of this site for personal use. Permission is NOT granted to place copies on the web or to reproduce this information in any other medium. Should you wish to do this then please contact the copyright owner, Bruce Sergent, at (Remove SPAM to Contact Me) for any such use.

T H A N K Y O U  to all who have contributed information, without you much of the history of New Zealand music would go untold.

This website is an active set of pages with constant improvements as people send me corrections and additions. Please feel free to add anything you can or even make suggestions.


I would like to make special thanks to John Smith for his wonderful help in providing me with many of the album cover pictures shown on this site. He has a massive collection of covers and supplemented with my own, we hope to show a comprehensive display of all artists covered on this site.

"Just For The Record" by John K Smith
    A Discography of Vinyl Releases by New Zealand Recording Artists 1949-2000. For more info or copies of the book, please contact Colin
    Linwood at Waterloo Sunset CDs & Records, 11 Hardy St, Waterloo, Wellington, New Zealand or contact Colin at

"Stranded In Paradise" by John Dix
    A comprehensive study of the New Zealand music scene from 1955 to 1988.

"When Rock Got Rolling - The Wellington Scene 1958-1970"
"Hostage To The Beat - The Auckland Scene 1955-1970"  both by Roger Watkins
    An in-depth look at all the groups and artists to have come from these areas.

"Social End Product"  by John Baker and Andrew Schmidt.

"Counting The Beat" by Gordon Spittle
    An History of New Zealand Song.

"Bruno - The Bruno Lawrence Story" by Roger Booth.

"Who's Who Of Australian Rock" Compiled by Chris Spencer, Zbig Nowara and Paul McHenry.

"Australian Encyclopedia of Rock and Pop" by Noel McGrath.

"Encyclopedia of Australian Rock and Pop" by Ian McFarlane.

"Collected Stories Of Australian Rock'n'Roll'' by David McLean.

My own extensive music collection of vinyl 78rpm, 45rpm, 33 1/3 lps and CD's and some very helpful liner notes.


New Zealand Music